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Ajax Amsterdam!!!

The Hunter

CRank: 61Score: 742350

Approve bottem stories first (in pending)

There are now stories that it is in pending for 1d and 5h with no errors! Yesterday there was 51 stories in pending and these where down in the 'put'.. The above stories where all approved. I know I have a powefull vote with 4, so when I approve that story have automaticly 1 approval left to get approved, but try to get 'old' stories first approved!

There was also a blogpost a time ago:

Come on people!

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zico4838d ago

Why don`t you approve more often? You read the news, agree, but you DON `T approve it. Why? The more people who approve more often, then we don`t see news over 1d old

The Hunter4837d ago

Sorry, but I think you mean that in general or are you talking to me? If yes, look at my approve score

I think you are misinformed if you talking to me?!

FootballZilla4832d ago

Is 11x2 on a down or an UP because looks like less people are commenting and the staff support isnt that great ....
11x2 should focus in getting this site alot more traffic and take it higher in the google ranks
Just a though..